Athlete Training Programs

Learn more about New York Ski Education Foundation offerings below!

New York Ski Educational Foundation | Leaders in Snowsport Instruction Since 1973

The New York Ski Educational Foundation (NYSEF) provides opportunities for athletes of all ages to reach their potential in snowsports – alpine skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, and biathlon– through professional guidance and financial support.

Much like anything else worthwhile, the NYSEF began as a dream. In the late ’60s, ski areas scattered across New York State which increased ample youngsters’ enthusiasm about snow sports and skiing fast. Top skiers were quickly faced with an ultimatum due to costs –leaving the sport or leaving New York State — and competing elsewhere.

Unified by a vision of offering racers in the Empire State the opportunity to train with elite coaching staff on world class terrain at a reasonable cost, the New York State Ski Racing Association (NYSSRA) decided to shape the future of ski racing in the Adirondacks. In 1973, through the support of NYSSRA, a new headquarters was constructed in the form of a small cabin at Whiteface Mountain.

Since its beginning, NYSEF has since grown to include 7 disciplines, 5 training venues and over 500 athletes, some of whom have competed in the Winter Olympic Games.

NYSEF programs, training opportunities and equipment are made possible through enrollment fees, sponsorships, and the generous support of donors and volunteers.

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